Warakurna is nestled in the Rawlinson Ranges near the WA/NT border, approximately 330km west of Uluru, 220km from Warburton and 830km from Alice Springs. The Giles Weather Station is a short distance from the community, near the Warakurna Roadhouse on the Great Central Road. The community was established in the 1970s at a time when government funding for outstations was easily available and nearby settlements of Docker River and Warburton were becoming overcrowded. The Warakurna community became incorporated in 1976 and a member of the Ngaanyatjarra Council in 1981.
NHS has a community health centre and manages the Learning Centre training and meeting facility and accommodation. Warakurna has a Ngaanyatjarra Lands school, a roadhouse, a community store, a multi function police facility, a women’s centre, and an art centre. The Roadhouse has motel style accommodation and a campground for travellers.