Patjarr / Karilywara
The tiny community of Patjarr is about 240 km north-northwest of Warburton by road, in the Clutterbuck Hills area. It is a small community that was established in 1992 as an outstation of Warburton, with a population of about 30 Pintubi-speaking people. The Pintupi people who now live at Patjarr were one of the last groups of Aboriginal people in Australia to be contacted by non-Aboriginals. Native Patrol Officers were bringing people into Warburton Mission from this area as late as the early 1970s.
The community and the surrounding area are within the Gibson Desert Nature Reserve. Hunting and gathering activities and the construction of living areas is prohibited within Nature Reserves but the community has an excision following a submission lodged by the Ngaanyatjarra Council in 1993. The community and the area surrounding it was returned to the traditional owners under lease from the Aboriginal Lands Trust.
In 1995 Patjarr became an incorporated community and a member of the Ngaanyatjarra Land Council.